Personalized aortic care
Currently, there is no non-invasive tool available to perform a structural and functional assessment of abdominal aortic aneurysms, as opposed to dimensional assessment. The existing imaging tools only offer dimensional information of the aorta, leading to a crude approximation for surgeons regarding the appropriate intervention timing. This imprecise timing of aneurysm intervention has been shown to result in substantial additional costs to the health care system. (Download the Tomee et. al. paper on the cost-benefit consequences of early abdominal aortic aneurysm repair here).

ViTAA Proposes
ViTAA proposes a new approach that combines hemodynamic and geometric descriptors with non-invasive functional measures of wall behaviour obtained from ECG-gated multiphase images.

Vulnerability Index
ViTAA’s vulnerability index is intended to provide a calculated surrogate measure of aortic weakening for individual aortas by simultaneously capturing regions of altered local hemodynamics, identified by low time average wall shear stress (TAWSS), thick thrombus formation (if present), and large strain.
The vulnerability index enables a highly personalized and accurate mapping of the local aortic wall, highlighting regions of strength and weakness. It is capable of identifying vulnerable areas of potential aneurysm rapid growth, serving as a clinical surrogate to aneurysm rupture. This aims to provide further information and assist healthcare professional in the diagnosis and treatment planning for each individual patient.

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